Simple Shapes Seating Set

$ 84.95

Simple Shapes Seating Set

$ 84.95
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Product Description

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The Simple Shapes Seating Kit is an educational tool designed to introduce young learners to common shapes they will encounter throughout their lives. Each shape in the kit is designed to be engaging and colorful, capturing children's attention and enhancing their learning experience.

Size: Each seat 16"

This 12-piece kit includes various shapes such as a moon, circle, square, oval, rectangle, star, diamond, plus sign, octagon, triangle, and heart, making it a versatile resource for teaching basic geometry and recognition skills. Ideal for organized and individual seating arrangements.

The Simple Shapes Seating Kit not only educates young learners about essential geometric shapes but also enriches classroom management strategies. By integrating this kit into classroom settings, educators can facilitate organized learning activities and effectively manage space. 

Additionally, this kit serves as an excellent tool for promoting social skills by encouraging children to interact with their peers over shared resources in a structured environment.

  • The 16" seating size provides ample room for children of all ages while providing flexibility to arrange seating as needed. Play games, use for circletime, or marking quiet spaces.
  • Commercial - Cut Pile Carpet - 100% Continuous Filament Type 6 Nylon - Recyclable
  • All of the fibers are completely saturated with the stain treatment. Tested to ensure carpets provide safe area for children to learn and play while supporting your efforts to provide a clean and healthy environment.
  • Made in the U.S.A.

Keywords: Organized Seating, Individual Seating, Physical Distancing, Social Distancing

Kindergarten Lesson Plan: Exploring Shapes and Colors

Objective: Students will be able to identify, name, and describe basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and primary colors (red, blue, yellow). They will also create a simple art project using these shapes and colors.


  • Construction paper in various colors
  • Safety scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • Crayons and markers
  • Shape templates (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
  • Large poster board or chart paper
  • Books about shapes and colors 

Duration: 1 hour

Lesson Steps:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Greeting and Circle Time:

    • Welcome students and have them sit in a circle.
    • Introduce the day's topic: "Today, we are going to learn about shapes and colors!"
    • Show a few examples of shapes and colors using cut-outs or flashcards.
  2. Read-Aloud:

    • Read a book about shapes and colors to the class (e.g., "Mouse Shapes" or "The Color Monster").
    • Pause to discuss the shapes and colors seen in the book, asking questions to engage students.

Direct Instruction (10 minutes)

  1. Shape and Color Chart:

    • Create a chart with the shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and primary colors (red, blue, yellow).
    • Discuss each shape and color, showing examples and asking students to identify them.
  2. Shape Hunt:

    • Ask students to look around the classroom and find objects that match the shapes and colors on the chart.
    • Allow a few students to share their findings with the class.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

  1. Shape Sorting Activity:
    • Provide each student with a set of shape cut-outs in different colors.
    • Have students sort the shapes by type and color.
    • Walk around the room to assist and encourage students.

Independent Practice (15 minutes)

  1. Art Project: Shape Collage:
    • Give each student a piece of construction paper, shape templates, and scissors.
    • Instruct students to cut out shapes from different colored papers and glue them onto their construction paper to create a collage.
    • Encourage creativity, allowing students to arrange their shapes however they like.

Closing (10 minutes)

  1. Sharing and Discussion:

    • Have students share their collages with the class.
    • Ask each student to name the shapes and colors they used in their artwork.
  2. Review and Wrap-Up:

    • Review the shapes and colors learned during the lesson.
    • Praise students for their hard work and creativity.


  • Observe students during activities to ensure they can correctly identify and name shapes and colors.
  • Evaluate students' shape collages for understanding and creativity.
  • Ask individual students questions about shapes and colors to assess comprehension.


  • Shape and Color Song: Teach students a song about shapes and colors to reinforce the concepts learned.

  • Outdoor Shape Hunt: Take students on a shape hunt outside the classroom, looking for shapes in nature and playground equipment.

  • Shape Story: Have students draw a picture using shapes and then tell a story about their picture to the class.

This lesson plan provides a fun and interactive way for kindergarten students to learn about shapes and colors, fostering both cognitive and creative skills.


When purchasing a classroom rug, there are a few important things to think about.
  • Did I measure my space?
  • Did I read the shipping/delivery time? Lots of our rugs ship in one or two business days. Others are made to order and can take a month or more for delivery
  • Am I willing to vacuum often and spot clean?
  • Do I have access to an easy to use cleaning machine in case of accidents?

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